
The website HeightComparisonChart.com, accessible at https://www.heightcomparisonchart.com, is a copyrighted creation owned by HeightComparisonChart.com. Specific features on the site may be subject to additional guidelines, terms, or rules, which will be posted on the site in connection with those features. All such additional terms, guidelines, and rules are considered part of these Terms.

By accessing the site, you confirm your compliance with these Terms and assert that you have the authority and capacity to enter into these Terms. It is essential to be at least 4 years of age to access the site. If you disagree with any provision of these Terms, refrain from logging into or using the site.

These terms mandate the use of arbitration (Section 10.2) on an individual basis to settle disputes and also limit the available remedies in case of a dispute.

Access to the Site: The materials on this site are copyrighted by the material source and the operator. HeightComparisonChart.com is not responsible for the use of images generated on this site beyond its domain.

Subject to these Terms, the company grants a non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable, limited license to access the site solely for personal, noncommercial use.

Certain restrictions apply, including refraining from selling, renting, or transferring the site, making derivative works, or accessing the site to build a similar one. Reproduction or distribution of any part of the site is prohibited unless expressly stated otherwise.

The company reserves the right to change, suspend, or cease the site with or without notice. The user acknowledges that the company will not be held liable for any such changes.

No support or maintenance obligations are assumed by the company. Intellectual property rights in the site and its content are owned by the company or its suppliers, and these Terms do not confer any rights, title, or interest in such rights to the user.

Third-Party Links & Ads; Other Users: The site may contain links to third-party websites and services, as well as advertisements. Such links and ads are beyond the control of the company, which is not responsible for them. Users are advised to use caution when accessing third-party links and ads.

Each user is responsible for their own User Content. The company is not liable for any loss or damage resulting from interactions between users. Users release the company from any past, present, or future disputes arising from or related to the site.

Cookies and Web Beacons: HeightComparisonChart.com uses ‘cookies’ to store information about visitors’ preferences and website usage. Google DoubleClick DART Cookie may also be used for serving ads based on visitors’ internet activities.

Disclaimers: The site is provided “as-is” and “as available,” with no guarantees regarding performance, availability, or accuracy. The company and its suppliers disclaim all warranties.

Limitation on Liability: The company and its suppliers are not liable for lost profits, data, or indirect damages. The maximum liability is limited to fifty U.S. dollars. Some jurisdictions may not allow certain limitations, and the above limitations may not apply.

Term and Termination: These Terms remain in effect while using the site. The company may suspend or terminate access at its discretion. Termination of rights includes the deletion of associated User Content.

Copyright Policy: The company respects intellectual property rights and implements a copyright policy. Users are encouraged to report copyright infringements.

General: User information, such as name and height, is not stored or viewed by the company.

These Terms may be revised, and users will be notified of substantial changes. Users are responsible for providing up-to-date contact information.

Dispute Resolution: An Arbitration Agreement is in place, requiring mandatory binding arbitration and waiving class actions. The agreement applies to all claims and disputes, with informal resolution attempts before arbitration.

Export Control: The site may be subject to U.S. export control laws. Users agree not to violate these laws.

Contact Information: For inquiries, contact the company at the provided address and email (heightcomparisonchart@gmail.com) .

Electronic Communications: Communications between users and the company are electronic. Users consent to receiving electronic communications.

Entire Terms: These Terms constitute the entire agreement between the user and the company. Changes are effective upon notice.

Privacy Policy: Users are advised to read the Privacy Policy.

Copyright/Trademark Information: All trademarks, logos, and service marks on the site are the property of the company or third parties and cannot be used without consent.

Contact Information: For communication, reach out to the provided email address and address.
